Meet the cast of “Ava’s Impossible Things”, the new women’s film from Marina Rice Bader and Soul Kiss Films (“Elena Undone”, “A Perfect Ending”, “Anatomy of a Love Seen”, “Raven’s Touch”), filming July 2015.
To get involved with Ava’s Impossible Things, please visit:
Ava is jolted from a dream to find herself driving into darkness, with no memory of how she got there or idea where she’s going. Disoriented, exhausted, and possibly hallucinating, she stumbles upon a nomadic troupe of performers in the middle of nowhere, who offer her more than just a safe place to rest her weary head. This is a love story set against the microcosm backdrop of a group of female performers and artists who exist outside the ordinary. Their utopian reality both entices and shocks Ava, who finds herself being drawn not only to one of the women, but to the heavenly body realm of “Celestia”