Camp Belvidere follows the journey of Gin and Rose; two women in the 1950’s whose friendship evolves into a passionate affair. This is a story about emotional growth, mutual attraction, and the role reversal that occurs between the characters. The projected time of the film will be 33minutes, and we plan on entering many many film festivals. We are shooting in a beautiful summer cabin in the woods. Visit for more information on the cast, crew, and the story.
Aside from a beautiful script, we have in our team dedicated and professional crew members; an extremely talented Director of Photography, professional sound technicians, innovative lighting technicians, PA’s, a professional film editor, and a music composer….all of these artists collaborate alongside the talented cast and directorial team to tell the story of Camp Belvidere…however, they deserve to get paid for their hard work, time, effort, and creativity. We also need costumes, hair and makeup artists, food…water…etc., So we are asking for your help.
Please help us fund this film, and allow us to tell this story. Allow us to employ the artists that make this possible. Help us tell a story that will enchant you for a moment, help us create a beautiful picture. Thank you!
If you’d like to leave any suggestions about the project or have questions please follow this link to the crowdfunding forum